Somethin' filled up my heart with nothin'


Though familiar, the mansion provided a comfortable place for other adventures, such as the ones embarked on when Kansas read to him, or when he played make-believe. It was by power of his imagination that the mansion was turned into an ancient castle, filled with princesses and dragons and other wonderful things, and on the days he didn't feel like leaving the house he would frolic around as a character suitable for the environment imagined. Of course, a real castle held more mystery and made his blood pump harder, but these episodes of pretend were good practice. He couldn't wait for the day that he could wear a real sword and, well, whatever princes wore! The boy hadn't even realized he didn't know; he would have to do some research.


Gotham shrugged a little at his mother's statement, smiling. The two wolves, sitting beneath a tree that was reduced almost completely to its branches, beneath a sky that was as gray as a pebble at the ocean's edge, almost seemed to be inhabiting a monocolored world. The only exceptions were their eyes, green and blue, and the light pink shell that hung around the woman's neck.


Perhaps one day the boy would acquire a hunger for foreign lands, but for now the lands that immediately surrounded him were unknown enough. Even after a long time, when most of it had been explored, there would be places that were hidden from those that did not seek every new place. Certainly, he would be the type to search for these places, and surely they would occupy him for quite a while.


Smiling more as Savina ruffled his fur, the young wolf nodded. "I like the rain, too." It reminded him of his sisters and the time they had spent escaping the Rain Monsters. Their childhood had been incomprehensibly fleeting, and Gotham missed the novelty of everything that came with it. Everything had been unknown back then, a mystery to solve. He realized now, though, that there were still things that he did not know. Hesitating for just a moment, he looked up to his mother and asked, "How does the water get up in the sky, anyway?" It was possible that there was a giant layer of water up there and one day they would run out of rain, but that would make the stars look wavy or might even make it impossible to see them, just as the water hid the bottom of the lake! The boy knew the stars were as visible and as in focus as almost anything could be.


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