M - Who would ever want to hurt you?
http://sleepyglow.net/souls/gifts/samael_blood.jpg); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:323px; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; padding-bottom:10px;">
bye-bye! this thread was getting outdated, so i didn’t draw it out any more. sorry, if you wanted more violence! ;;

    Halo was proving to be utterly useless at this point, standing there silently and watching in absolute horror as he mutilated the wolf, rather than celebrating the death of this worthless being. But he had no time for disgust, seeing only red as his vision lingered on the suffocating beast held prisoner in his grasp. Grin widened viciously at the strangled sound that escaped his lips, pressing his fingers into his windpipe and choking away the creature’s beloved air. Fear was held in those deep blue eyes—fear of death and a fleeting, wistful desire to live. He struggled, but his struggling was futile and Samael could easily end his life at any moment if he so chose. But a quick, painless death did not suit the beast with a god-complex, desiring to inflict his will and power onto others, seeing them submit utterly to his being.

    Suddenly, his gentle caresses became violent, sinking his nails into the canine’s flesh and tearing as roughly and viciously as he could. Even if Samael had decided to spare him, his life would be incomplete, lacking certain important aspects of the male anatomy held so close and dear to their being. He effectively castrated the wolf, intentionally taking as many blows as possible to complete the task before his jaws—unable to contain themselves a moment loner—sunk deep into the flesh of his large, distended belly. Head thrashing and tearing energetically, pulling back skin and ripping away huge chunks of flesh, the hell prince began to devour the poor, unfortunate soul, spilling his brightly colored entrails onto the ground. Whether or not he was dead, Samael did not care, but life would surely flee once his fangs reached the man’s heart.

image © national geographic. table by sie.

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