Winter song
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OOC: 'Tis totally cool.

mary Jane, I Feel Silly When You Pass Me Way,
you Know I Feel The Same,
i Come Around Here For Another Day,
you Won't Cause Me Trouble,
you Always Seem To Be My Source Of Pain... Relief!
woah, I'm Not Like You, Baby I'll Change.

and I Say, Whatcha Doin' Today, But You Wanna Go
there's This Place I Know Where We Can Rock,
maybe Roll A Little, Take My Hand It's Not That Far,
here My Friends, Please Don't Be Alarmed,
but They Want Some Of What You Got,
so Make With The Goods And Maybe We'll Write You A Song.

The feo took her guitar out from behind her back. I have built mine myself, as you can probably see.. she showed him the details, and he could in fact see that the two pieces were different from each other and that they more than likely didn't belong to each other. Daisuke would have to hunt, that was for sure. . but I was lucky to find the pieces. I found them at an old human building in my packlands. I'm sure if you search or if someone allows you to enter their lands you could find one, or pieces of one. If you find pieces I could aid you in putting it together. The feo explained. Pftt, like Daisuke needed permission to go on lands. Daisuke was a wanderer, and a wanderer wanders wherever his feet decide to take him. If he happened to find himself on packlands, well, then he was on packlands. If someone attacks him, it was all just a game. He'd just have to adventure his way right back out of a pickle. He had his warnings though. He knew what not to do. He did not let his rebellious side show infront of the ladies, but you know, half the adventure was the struggle. The struggle was the best part in his opinion. I will be on a hunt for them. Once I depart here, on my rabbit run I'll be sure to look around. he answered, nodding his head, and storing it under a upside down bucket in his mind. Again, he would eventually go and see that bucket that was overturned and turn it right side up, which would release the memory about the guitar. He was one of those people who had to make random shit up to make sure he remembered it.

Basically, you pull and release the strings, and depending on where on the strings you press with your hand up here, the tones are different. Here, have a try. she held the guitar, and plucked a few strings before handing it over to him. His tail wagged excitedly as he shoved his staff into the soft ground deep enough for it to stand on it's own, and then he gently grasped the guitar and flipped it over so he could hold it like she was. He then pressed his left hand on the biggest string, and on it's first fret. His right hand then strummed the one cord. He moved his hand to the second string, first fret. He went through the process with all of the strings, listening to each individual sound. He smiled lightly. Lady Mew, this is the most awesome thing I've ever seen. And I've seen some pretty cool things. he spoke, looking up at her and offering a small chuckle.

Sometimes I don't know why I try Because it's easier to die than to get by, than to get by And you and me, we can be buddies, we can be bloody

mall fonts; text-align:right;">table by Jacoby
Image by Alaine


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