like oil and water
I dids! Big Grin I'm proud of that table! Also I'm assuming that she's either met/knows of Astaroth, correct me if I'm wrong. 500+

Already she found herself feeling at home in the clan. In the back of her mind she knew that might change when she ran into more of the members, but she wasn't worried about that right now. This reunion was going so well that she couldn't be bothered to worry over details anymore. Besides, it was always better to focus on the good instead of the bad. It could drive a person crazy if they only ever thought about the negatives. Rikka was an upbeat individual and so found herself content more often than not. She felt bad for people who couldn't live that way. No matter how dark it got the sun was always hiding just behind the horizon, ready to bath the world in new light. She felt that new light shine done upon her now, a blessing on the new journey in life that she was just starting.

The woman was also surprised to see how good her mother looked. It wasn't like she had been expecting to find her all decrepit and weak, Kaena Lykoi would never be that, but still she hadn't really expected her to look like she did. Honestly it didn't seem like she had aged at all from the last time they had set eyes on one another. It was a kind reassurance though, it didn't seem that she would be losing her mother anytime soon for any reason. Rikka was oblivious to her father's death, but if she had known of it it would have made her cherish Kaena even more. No matter how rocky the relations had got, she had always treasured her parents.

"That sounds beautiful! Just my idea of a good place to live." There were few things that could compare to a room with a view. If she had been able to dictate where she would have hoped the living quarters of the clan were situated she doubted she could have picked a better place. "Really? Why's that?" She couldn't speak for members of the family she didn't know, but honestly she hadn't expected that any of her siblings or half-siblings would become all that close. Especially not one from Astaroth. Rikka was very surprised to hear that Kaena had been to a similar place. "Yeah? I didn't know that. Too bad this place can't be more like those. I'm not naive though, as much as I'd love for everything to peaceful I know it will never happen." By "this place" she hadn't meant just Inferni, but the whole of 'Souls lands.

The fact that Kaena had left Inferni at all came as a shock to her and her face clearly showed this fact. "I had no idea that you had been gone for so long. I never would have imagined. So, are you the Aquila again, or does someone else lead?" The metallic toned femme had just assumed the matron was still in charge. The story of her absence was a sad one though. "That's awful, what both of them did. I don't understand how some can be so cruel," she said, frowning. "I wouldn't have left you." She knew nothing of this Eris, but she was a daughter of the silvered hybrid as well and she owed the woman her life. To leave her after she had chased after her was disgraceful.


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