Who wears the eyepatch around here?
http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad34 ... bott0m.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-bottom:240px; background-position:bottom center; background-color:#252237">
So...if Jantus finds anything to trade, I somehow see a drinking contest in their future? =P

The giant nodded. The sailor wouldn't be here if he didn't have business already; visiting the sailors down near the southern shore would have to wait. As for his weapon, it certainly suited him and his style just fine. "Yeah, I s'pose it does. Can't swing it that fast and it's leaves lots of openings, but it breaks whatever it hits, and everyone can tell by lookin' at it. Their fear picks up the slack for its weaknesses." He gave a wide grin, baring his teeth. Nothing like scaring the shit out of the people you'd come to kill. Only thing he didn't like about his presence on the battlefield (largely augmented by the broken body his club left in its wake) was that he usually had trouble getting a clean fight with individuals...he either couldn't find someone willing to fight him, or he found three or four people ready to go for it at once. In fairness, he didn't like fighting that many at the same time, but with his size he was usually comfortable with two.

Suddenly, the focus of his lone eye shifted down to the metallic flask at Rurik's hip, and his expression betrayed his curiosity. He didn't say anything for a few moments, nodding at the pirate's admission of idleness, but eventually he broke down and went for it. "I've seen one of those before," he said, pointing to the flask. "Humans used them to carry drinks...liquor, sometimes. Don't happen to have any of that, do yeh?" He smiled a little stupidly. Liquor was at the top of his 'treasure' list for his expeditions into human cities. Weapons and tattered clothing and other things were more useful, but they were also far more common. Even a wooden beam could suffice as a weapon in a pinch, and when the turnout was favorable there were often blades and other tools besides. Alcohol, however, wasn't something he usually found, especially not in a quantity great enough to satiate him. He doubted there would be enough in a tiny flask like that for him, but where there was some there was often more. A house with one bottle sometimes had a collection, after all!

He remembered his first experience with the stuff was during his travels with Mala and Ranya. They had known better than to drink strange-smelling things found in human houses, but he'd been young and curious, and he'd encountered a wolf earlier in the year who'd been drinking something with the same smell, so he'd assumed it'd be safe. After he'd ascertained that it hadn't poisoned him (he'd been tentative at first), he gave his younger sisters the go ahead and they began on it. The two of them had gotten funny faster than he had, and now that he knew more about it, it was good that none of them had been drinking for fun, as they wouldn't have known when to stop. After their initial experience with it, Mala and Ranya had sworn off of it...they'd drunk enough to have nasty hang-overs the next day, and the stigma of that experience had soured them to it forever. For his part, his massive body had diluted it more effectively, and he still had fun with the stuff on occasion when he could find it.


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