ever so sweet
http://sleepyglow.net/souls/gifts/bullskullorange.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;"> Sorry about the wait, again. <3

"Yes, very far. Across ocean. We came on mine father’s boat." He outlined the shape of the vessel with his fingers and then mimicked it sailing over water before offering Mati a Cheshire grin. "Have you been on boat before? Eet very fun." A hand absentmindedly flicked at the bandana on his neck as he studied Mati. He was very used to being around his own family and her coloring seemed foreign to him. Especially those eyes of hers. He had never seen anything like them.

"Aww, no Russo? Very sad. Zhey are not here." He didn’t think locating them was going to be this easy anyhow, so the knowledge that Zaets and Vladimir weren’t around really didn’t put much of a damper on the boy. Besides, he had never even met them before. "Mati; et very pretty name." But it seemed that the Captain had turned her attention back on Silas’ lost brothers. "Yes, since birth," he replied with a hearty chuckle. "I ‘ave never met zhem before. Zhey are mine half brothers."


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