it's hardest hue to hold
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Feel free to have them find the ship--it's a wooden boat with 'Syemv' written on the side, on the shore. :]

    Gabriel was lucky, with so many siblings. One of them could always do something worse or be louder and take the brunt of whatever punishment was coming. Their parents had been very careful not to strike them when they were young, and not to talk in those hushed tones he sometimes heard them use. Sometimes late at night he would lay, eyes-wide open in the dark, to try and listen. The wind and the ocean always drowned out their voices, and usually on those nights he crawled close to his brother until Baneesh’s breathing lulled him to sleep.
    But this day was ready and full of adventure. With his body low to the ground, Gabriel crept further into the lands. The smell of the ocean was twanged with the ever present smell of smoke, but there wasn’t anything nearby to make him worry. They went for about ten minutes like this, no spoken words, and then a wolfish howl in the distance startled Gabriel and he leapt bolt upright. Wide-eyed, ears and tail high, he looked as startled as a deer in headlights. “C’mon!” He whispered, and began running towards the shore. If they got past that big house in the distance they could make it to the ship—he just knew it!


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