like oil and water

It was true, while she had often felt alienated from her family at times, family had always been important to her. Where you came from was important, even if it taught you things that you didn't particularly agree with, it still formed you. If Rikka hadn't been born to this family she would not be who she was, and she liked who she was. "I couldn't forget. I wouldn't want to, even the stuff that wasn't so great." For not all of it had been great, but none of it had bee horrible. That could have been another reason that her mother was such a hard woman for her to understand. The woman had never experienced anything that had really traumatized her, nothing that she wanted to forget with all her being. Unbeknownst to her, Kaena had suffered many such events.

Rikka had never been an ambitious individual either, so that was likely another reason that leadership held no appeal to her. She honestly didn't want the responsibility and she had no cravings for power. All she wanted was a good life and to be surrounded with the people who mattered most to her and loved her. "He must, for everything to still be intact." It wouldn't be easy to keep any group together, but keeping Inferni together seemed like it would be a gargantuan undertaking. "That's good. It's important to be content with where you're at." If you weren't happy with where you were nothing else seemed to work quite right either. At least that was the conclusion she had come to in her life.

She saw the inquisitive look her mother gave her at her comment on her relationship with her brother and suddenly she felt like a child again. This attributed to the fact that if she revealed the incident in mind that she would be "telling" and be berated for such an action. "It was a long time ago, when he returned," she tried to speak as dismissively as she could. Rikka had a feeling that she hadn't been the only one for Gabriel to take his anger out on back in those days. "That's good to hear. Hopefully he's a bit more happy." He hadn't been back then. No matter what had transpired between them she did hope that her brother was more at peace now.

"Oh dear, the poor thing. It's a good thing he made it here." It was amazing that any pup could make it on their own for so long at such a young age. When asked about if she had any offspring she shook her head slowly. "No, no kids for me. It's kind of surprising really, there's been plenty of opportunities for it," she said with a note of sadness at the end. The fey hadn't exactly been trying for kids, but it would have been a nice surprise. She had been in the commune and yet she had never conceived. Honestly she was a little worried that she couldn't.


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