Rainy day women #12&35
o good. -has no table now because tiny screen is tiny and she can't deal with it atm.- xD;

His tail swung behind him easily as she approached; it felt like quite some time since he'd seen her, although she'd certainly been in his thoughts. Princess had brought her to the forefront of his mind first, and once he'd connected Ghita to the Marino family he couldn't help but consider the Commander, even though the two siblings seemed very different for all their similarities. They were both calm and collected women whom he enjoyed the company of greatly, although Ghita seemed to have a bit of a wild streak to her while Savina seemed a little more practical, a little more "motherly." (No soothsayer, he couldn't possibly predict that both of these notions might be challenged later that very day.)

Needless to say, he wasn't terribly surprised by her concern, though he offered a lopsided grin as his tail continued to move behind him: a non-verbal confirmation that things, indeed, were just peachy--or at least fair enough. "Just a gang fight," he replied smoothly, the statement fairly dramatic for its simplicity. Although he was flattered by her concern, he couldn't help but be somewhat amused by it, too--why not play it up? "I wouldn't go too far northwest, though, unless you want to find out first hand what five rotting corpses smell like." A grin. "I can only take credit for two, though," and here he offered a playful wink.

"So how've you been?" he wondered on--as usual, he couldn't help but find the things he already knew somewhat uninteresting to discuss. Anselm could be written off as a great listener if only because he derived little enjoyment from talking about himself (too much, at least). "It's certainly been awhile..." The last he'd seen her was when he'd just returned; since then he'd successfully reintegrated into Inferni, Ryan had left, and his "business" had come to fruition. He'd met seemingly a dozen new faces and he'd even run into a couple old ones he hadn't expected to find. Regardless, although he wasn't entirely surprised to see the lovely Italian again, he was no less grateful for it.

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