Step, step right over the line

Sword in maw the warrior was ready for battle. Yet she could not defeat the baddies without the help of her unsure ally. Yes, she had finally agreed to join forces and help defend the castle that Anu had found. It was their only chance! And she didn’t know why the black lady knight did not leap over the wall and stand beside her. Did she not see the monsters? How could you not! They were huge, white as a burly ice bear of her father’s stories and staring them down with acidic eyes. Green, poisonous and terrible. The ladies were green too, but Anu could see the difference. Hope and a courage hidden by a thin veil of confusion were laced in those irises. Her tail wagged, steel in her mouth, and she watched as the new friend bounded towards the rampart and gracefully cascaded between the towers of their castle.

Blue eyes looked at the pup’s face, blinking and a smile plastered on her face. Her hips wiggled at the notion of the new little lady behind the log with her, her tail waving tall. The tawny gray girl turned, setting the stick down and then returning to the obviously dazed pup. She was even prettier up close, and Anu was lucky to have her for a new friend.
“Now. Now..” She spoke with an over excitement.
“you can help!” she said with a squeak. On their side of the log the branches of neighboring tree kept the ground free of the falling snow, but beyond it the flurries continued.

Her friend looked confused, and Anu cocked her head to the side and asked.
“Can you sees them?” Her brows shot upwards at a sound, a gust of wind had howled between the trees. Instantly Anu brought two paws up to mount the castle wall, the fantasy coming alive once more. Her eyes narrowed, and growl escaping her mouth.
“There, wite therrrrrr.” She said with another meek puppish growl.



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