Rainy day women #12&35
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... hell_t.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
b'awww XD 300+

Savina hated to see anyone she cared about hurt and instantly felt an anger towards whoever had had the nerve to hurt them. Though Anselm's demeanor didn't change in the slightest and it seemed that aside from the scrape on his leg that he was just fine. That was a relief, though his words were shocking to the (usually) nonviolent femme. She couldn't help the widening of her eyes at his comments. "Oh my gods...well, I'm glad you're alright. That sounds like it was a pretty serious fight. I'm glad you had someone to help you," at least she assumed someone had considering he could only credit himself with two kills. The Dreamer also assumed that whoever they had been they had been asking for it. Unlike some, Anselm wasn't the type to take a life just for the hell of it. "That reminds me, one of my members said you saved her a bit ago. Thank you for that, truly." When Princess had told her of that it had warmed the woman deeply to know that he had looked out for one of her wolves. She was still ignorant as to what he had saved the girl from, however.

At his question of her own well being her face darkened a little and the weariness seeped back into her bones. "It's been a rough couple of months," she sighed, seeing no use in trying to sugarcoat it. "You remember last time I told you how our ex-Commander had been an addict and my daughter had been hurt? Well, it turned out that my brother not only slept with her after this, but got her pregnant as well." The bitterness could not be kept from her voice when talking about the situation, it still cut right to the heart of her. "He was gone for two months, in Phoenix Valley where she's living now. I wasn't sure if he was going to come back. He did, the other night, and we're patching things up, but it's been rough. We've always been so close and for him to do that with her..." Her gaze diverted off to the side, still having trouble dealing with the betrayal.

"If that hadn't been enough, right after he left my sister found out she was pregnant. She lost her fist litter in a miscarriage and we were both worried that it would happen again. I thought I might lose both my siblings. The pups were born though, and they're healthy, thank the gods." Savina offered her friend a weary smile, trying not to get drug under by all her problems once again. "I hope your life has been better than mine lately. How are Ryan and Valkyrie?" The woman had no idea that her last query would dig up demons for the golden clan member.


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