sunshine, call on me

rather short, homework calls

His response was swift and affirmative, and Alacrity smiled broadly in happiness and relief. Perhaps the feelings were premature, but the prospects were enough for now. Tail wagging a contented beat behind her, she moved with Anselm as he altered course. "Caves?" she asked, not sure she had heard right or translated correctly. "You mean, underground?" Alacrity had heard of such things, but had never seen one, much less considered sleeping in one. The prospect was a little daunting, and she would have to see inside one before processing the concept fully. "Yes, I'd like that." It would be nice to see how someone else managed a cave, if she was going to be expected to live in one.

Presently, they arrived outside of a den, and Anselm announced their arrival. Alacrity had been born into a large, stable group and had never had the need to join another. Therefore, she was less nervous than she probably should have been, but she was well-mannered and competent and should be just fine. Of course, having Anselm there to vouch for her probably didn't hurt her chances, either.


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