Somewhere we live inside

They were stalking him just as a wolf would stalk its prey, but there was one difference. Most wolves were quiet. The girls giggled every few steps. One would stop and the others would run into it, laugh, then continue on. It was more of a game than anything else. After a short while, though one pup split off from the others. Caprica, trying to be sneaky, ran around to the other side of Ehno to size him up from that angle. She was bright, even if she did move a bit slower than the others.

Naniko watched the "hunt" with amusement, walking a ways behind Ehno with Harlowe at her side. Some day he would be doing things like this, hopefully. She had tried to get him to chase things, to sneak after smaller prey before...but the pup showed no interest in it. He didn't have the same vivacious look in his eyes as the girls did. She gave a glance down to him before continuing to watch the group.



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