Is there an answer?

The blue merle female could only blush as Haven complimented her. She didn't feel at all amazing. She was just doing what came naturally. When Haven responded to her explanation about Jac, Ruri breathed a quiet sigh of relief. She had not wanted Haven to harbor any negative feelings towards their king. That would just not be good. He admitted that there were certain things that he and Jac would likely never see eye-to-eye on and an amused laugh flowed from her lips."I can't help but agree with you. He's my best friend and yet we still disagree about stuff. I've been told it's rather amusing to listen to the both of us arguing about something," she replied, smiling the entire time. Back down south Ruri remembered hearing several crew members chuckling and commenting about how funny it was to listen to Jac and Ruri as they argued on occasion.

Haven then asked how she was doing aside from the dramatic occurrences of the previous night. The ivory and merle female had to think for a moment before she responded,"Well, Firefly helped me find some clothes to wear in order to keep warm," she paused to point at the cashmere tunic she was wearing,"Then, a few days ago, a member of Jac's old crew came to the borders and dropped of Jac's daughter. Her name is Jontae. She lives here with me, but Firefly helps me take care of her. Come to think of it the little thing's probably with Firefly right now. Other than that, not much outside the ordinary has happened. What about you, Haven?" she finished. For a moment Ruri's thoughts returned to Svara's recent suicide, but surely Haven knew about that already. There was no reason for Ruri to talk about it. So now it was Haven's turn. Surely he had some interesting things to talk about. After all, he patrolled the borders day in and day out. He probably had more interesting things to talk about than half of their pack mates.


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