In search of materials
Ty was out in neutral territory, not for any particular reason, just because being in Phoenix Valley for too long had bored him. He had simply gone where the winds had taken him, aimlessly wandering from the Valley to who knows where, although Ty had enough conscious thought to avoid inferni, as he remembered what happened to Xeris. Ty's aimless quest landed him in a rather rocky area, with the wind blowing away at his back. It was still technically autumn, but Ty felt the winter chills closing in on the area, of course being in North America meant the winter chills were always an ominous sign of what is to come.

However, as Ty walked, he began to smell something in the air, something that was familiar, yet unknown to him. He knew this smell, and yet he did not. This was the smell of another wolf, but one he had never met in a territory he had never visited. Always the curious one, he pressed on to see if he could meet this mystery wolf, be it friendly or hostile.

When he eventually did find the other wolf, he was rather impressed and startled by it's appearance. The headdress, the markings, the bow and quiver on it's back, he had not seen a wolf like that in these parts, which made him all the more curious about what it was doing out here. Ty would have darted behind some bushes if the creature made a move, but if Ty could smell the wolf, chances are the wolf could smell him, and so far, it hadn't made any move to kill, so Ty could only assume it was peaceful, at least for the time being. He noticed that the strange wolf was picking up peices of rocks and such from the ground, what was it doing? Ty's curiosity was getting the best of him, and he decided to call out to him. "Uhhh....hi." He said abruptly to the wolf when he got close enough. "It's not really my place to ask, but I;m kind of curious about your activity...what are you doing anyway?" He asked.

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