like oil and water
out next thread will not be so happy o__o; also PM'ing you what Onus' letter says 500+

Rikka had always preferred living in a natural area instead of the buildings and houses the humans had left behind. Perhaps that was why she hadn't stayed long in Europe, it just really hadn't suited her. There were good things the humans had done, but in the hybrid's mind the bad they had done greatly outnumbered the good. Wars, prejudice, genocide, bombs, the rape of the natural world. There were things of the humans she enjoyed however, though whole hippie way of life was something she had taken to heart and she did enjoy their musical instruments and candles and incense, so she couldn't completely dismiss the once dominant race. Still, she couldn't help but think the world would have been a much better place without them and what had happened to them had been their own fault.

"Yeah? Hmmm, don't know what I should pick out. It'd be nice to find one with room for pups if I ever have any, but at the same time I don't want to take up more space than I need." It wouldn't really be fair for her to take one of the bigger caves when she really didn't need the space. Maybe no one would care, but Rikka didn't want to seem greedy in any way. She lived a life of simplicity and minimalism, never taking more than she needed or was her fair share. Whenever she hunted she always made sure to only take down sick or old animals, never going after young ones even if they were the easier catch. The femme wouldn't stop a life that had barely begun.

She was a little surprised at her mothers suggestion of taking one of the clan members with her to the city. Having someone with her that knew the area would be helpful of course, she just found it a little odd, especially considering her mother's strange reaction to the mention of the city in the first place. "I'll ask him, sure, but I don't want to be a bother." Rikka could easily explore the place on her own, why did Kaena think she "should" take someone with her. Was the city dangerous in some way? If it were though, why wouldn't she just warn her about it? They were questions that would nag at her, but she knew she would get no answers to them, not today at least.

"Oh! I almost forgot..." She pulled up the flap of her sack and rummaged through it, looking for the letter that had been given to her. Once she had it she held it out to her mother. "On my way back I ran into a couple who had two pups with them, they asked where I was heading and I told them and the man wanted me to take word with me. He wanted you to see that and I think one or two others." They had been a pair like she had never seen before, the man completely garbed with his eyes covered and the woman covered in strange blue markings. They had been awfully pleasant though.


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