sunshine, call on me
    The bark woke Gabriel from one of the wolf-naps that he so often took. Fifteen minutes could keep him going for a few hours, and he was at the tail end of that fifteen when Anselm’s call bounced into his home. Blinking sleepily and rising to his feet, the Aquila plodded his way to the entrance of the den, wondering idly if there was going to be another fantastic story to greet him. Instead, a woman with a remarkable coat (and uniquely shaped body) was at his cousin’s side.
    Almost instantly Gabriel’s demeanor changed, presenting himself now as the authority he was. Coming forward to greet them, he looked to Anselm, one brow lifting curiously. “Friend of yours?” He asked, a slight smile breaking over his face, exposing off-white teeth. Certainly, the two looked like an interesting pair.
table by alli


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