Help me out, said the eagle to the dove
Word Count: 416

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

The young girl mirrored his greeting. Few ever did, and it caused him to smile gently at her. She was innocent and sincere where she stood, carefully stating her business and her reasons for calling him. His head moved to rest, tilting to one side, and he smiled at her, secretly amused. Certainly, she was a friend of Noir. No doubt the two girls got along great. This one was by far more eloquent than the tribe's most enthusiastic little girl - though she wasn't quite as little anymore. Her demeanor never ceased to amuse him, however, and this Cambria was another one of that kind. Just like his daughter Asha had been as a child, too. He hoped Cambria's world would never shatter: that was the best for little girls. The flowers and the little animals to help and all of that might slowly fade, and that was better than having to experience such things as his own little girl had endured. "Noir's friends are my friends," he said with a gentle smile.

He bent down to look at the dove, speaking to the girl at the same time, explaining what he was thinking. "Hmm..." It seemed frightened, and Dawali couldn't blame it. The poor thing, in the hands of one of its world's biggest predators, and another one's snout right in its face: surely it believed it would die! Dawali smiled wryly. He would not really have thought twice about this little bird and its fate, but young girls proved to him the importance of life over and over again. Wary of the bird's panic he raised his hand and gently felt the bird for injuries, such as a broken wing or leg. As the bird jerked quickly when his fingers reached its left wing, Dawali believed he had found the problem. "I think its wing is broken." This was not bad news, but not good either. It needed two good wings to be able to fly, of course, and it was fixable. Usually, such injuries fixed themselves, if only the bird could be kept safe from predators who considered it a free meal such as.. well themselves, among others. "It should be fine if you keep it safe so no one eats it, I think, and make sure it gets rest and food.", he said, looking at Cambria's face. He wondered if it was in pain. It was hard to say, when it was clearly distressed at being poked around by two wolves.


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