It's a snake
childhood repression: an expert at work

Big Grin
Word Count: 300

Haven was making a joke, or trying to be smart or funny, but Emwe didn't get it. He blinked a couple of times. I'm assuming Alexey and the rest of Dahlia must have found you then. First off - he knew Alexey! How cool was that? Although, he wasn't really surprised, because Alexey was great and probably had lots of more friends than Conor and Emwe, just that Emwe had not seen them because he was so busy all the time with doing exciting things. But.. found them? Dahlia had found them? Had they been looking? Emwe didn't know, because he had only vague memories, but none of them were of anyone in distress. Or, well, his departure from uncle Ly's cabin had been rather dramatic, he supposed. Alexey had been angry and they had screamed at each other and stuff, and Conor had come back a long time afterwards and had been really skinny. That was why he was small, Emwe thought. "I didn't know they looked for me.", he said bluntly. Suddenly he felt bad - secrets kept unveiling themselves, and now he wondered how many things he did not know about himself. It made him feel pretty weird, and a little sad at the same time.

Haven said things that were silly. No one wanted to live under a log! Emwe's tail wagged as he chuckled to the older male, finding the statement a great source of entertainment. "They're crazy!" His tail wagged as he laughed a little. "Even though they are small, there isn't much room under a log." Stretching his neck he looked past his new friend and back in the direction of where he had almost been bitten by a snake. "I hate small spaces.", he confessed, silvery blue gaze steady as a rock.


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