like oil and water
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    The silver-furred hybrid had no problem with pressuring her children to give her grandchildren, like most parents. She wanted to see her bloodline flourish, and the only way to do that would be to see her own children reproduce. Kaena was the only child of her parents, and though her family tree might have extended exponentially in either direction to the side of her, it was the Lykoi woman alone who carried the torch of the hybrid Lykoi, her very own breed of canine. Had her sisters survived Delphine's ravagings, things might be different.

    Kae nodded at her daughter's words, appreciating the sentiment. It was a good way to think; if canines were greedy like the humans they would end up in exactly the same state as the previous dominant race—extinct. They had to keep to their former traditions: cull the weak, kill the sick, and hunt only what is needed to survive. "You could take a little one for now. I'm sure nobody would protest a soon-to-be mother expanding her space later on," the hybrid said with a quiet laugh, hope filling her pale-furred chest.

    The hybrid grinned. She wasn't absolutely certain of the relationship between Anselm and her de le Poer children, but he was a sort of cousin to them—first cousin once removed, whatever the hell that meant. Anselm's child, Ryan, would be Rikka and Gabriel's second cousins, and her daughter, Valkyrie, would be their second cousin once removed. The coyote wasn't sure what being removed meant, nor did she know the exact terms for these relations. "I'm sure he wouldn't mind. He's kinda a cousin of yours, linked to your grandfather Damian," the hybrid said. She had known generations of de le Poers, it would seem.

    The tawny-furred girl's next words surprised the woman, and she took the note wordlessly, her single golden eye reading it as quickly as she could. The signature near the bottom hold her most of what she needed to know; Onus had left 'Souls. A sigh of relief crept out of the hybrid's lungs. "From one of my friends. I'd suppose his kids were in a fair amount of danger in their birth pack, Dahlia de Mai, so he's flown the coup. S'good for him, probably bad for the rest of us. You'll want to stay the hell away from Dahlia, though." the coyote said, her voice taking on a rather severe tone, the shine in her yellow-gold eye showing absolute seriousness. With one less subleader, the Dahlian pack seemed even more frightening to the silver-furred hybrid.


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