it's hardest hue to hold
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Feel free to have them find the ship--it's a wooden boat with 'Syemv' written on the side, on the shore. :]

    They ran clear until they hit the ocean, and found before them a grand and wonderful treasure. Well, the shit wasn’t that grand. It had been docked for nearly a year, and even though the pirates had attempted to keep it in shape, the past few months had done nothing for the ship. Gabriel had expected something much more impressive, and was disappointed, but this was overwhelmed by his companion’s excitement. Wide-eyed, mouth open in a doggish grin, his tail was wagging furiously behind him. “Yeah! Let’s see if there’s any treasure on it!”
    The trouble, then, would be finding a way up. After a minute of pacing, Gabriel spotted the solution—a pile of old boxes that had been haplessly strewn off the side. In fact, they were just big enough to serve like a rather ridiculous stair-system. Gabriel hopped up onto the first one, claws digging into the woods, and proceeded to do the same for each box until he reached the railing. “I don’t see anyone, let’s go.” With that, he hopped over the edge and onto the deck.


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