The slave boy

        Conor Soul’s jaw slowly dropped when he received a reply to his question. He had quickly noticed the man’s strange accent though had not expected him to come from across the great sea halfway around the world. He felt thrilled, though his body seemed to continue its relaxed existence. Conor had never heard of the frozen oceans though he knew that his mother had spent time in Europe. Where was Russia? He had seen a map of the world before, but could not remember seeing it. If he had known better he would have known that Russia was the former Soviet. Unfortunately he did not know this. It was so cool to hear Rurik speak the Russian tongue. ”Wow, that’s so cool!” the boy uttered with admiration. He had dreamt of travelling across the seas to see the world. Unfortunately he doubted that would happen. He belonged here and knew he could not make himself leave those he loved.

He did absolutely not understand what the man had said. ”I wish I could travel and see the world.” Oh, so many questions now! ”What’s the frozen sea like? What’s Russia like? How long did it take to get all the way here from your home country?” The young male had to stop himself now. It was just so cool!


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