west coast smoker
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Though he would hate to admit it to himself, Snake had no idea that he was being followed, or circled. The heavy scent of the vegetation, both of the living and the decaying, made his sense of smell virtually impossible, and Samael kept himself quiet and well-hidden until he deigned to be found.

The coyote lycanthrope came to a halt, looking impassively at the hybrid before him. This place was befuddling his senses well enough that he couldn’t even tell if he belonged to Inferni, though he assumed so. He could see the coyote plainly in him, and he most often also assumed that most of the coyotes of the general area were living here. And though he was vaguely disconcerted that the stranger had been a little too opportune in stopping him—clearly, he had been following—he didn’t seem at all disturbed. Snake was never seemed disturbed, despite what he encountered.

Though he did not really think ‘boo’ as much of a greeting, he decided to take it as such—at least until he had more information about the stranger. “Hello,” he responded in his usual, emotionally-devoid voice. It was an automatic response, despite the situation. He was not a myrmidon of conversation, nor of company in most circumstances. This was unique enough, though, for him not to invent some excuse to slip away.

table credit goes to jacoby

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