Hide and Seek, alcohol style

school = tiring

The redhead shrugged, trying to be modest. "Patch up, fix...make," he confirmed, failing at his attempted modesty. His grin was one of achievement, as though he had done something great. Strel was a bit headstrong over his own skills with the needle and thread, thinking himself superior. It would certainly get him in trouble one day. Meanwhile, his gaze shifted down to the pants on the other male's hips. Crouching, but keeping a good distance away, he examined the lower patches to avoid gazing at Rurik's crotch. It was probably already uncomfortable for the guy to know that Strel was into males. Better to not make it any more awkward than it had to be. He checked the stitches on the lowest patch, nodding at it slightly. At least someone had managed to keep the pants together. "They're patched well. I guess if you ever have more that need fixing, find me," he offered, tinkling out a light laugh.

Raising an eyebrow at the older male, Strel straightened, feeling his knees crack. "You don't seem to be that old," he stated, truthfully. His concept of old was an ancient wolf, fur obviously aging and the look of deterioration evident on them. Rurik seemed far too sturdy to be considered old. Then, glancing down, though still smiling pleasantly, he thanked the Russian, "Good to know, thank you." A twinkle was evident in his eye as he glanced up at Rurik, grin lopsided. "I'll safely assume the girlies get your jollies." He had never used the term 'jollies' before and it sounded odd to him, though it seemed to fit.

At the mention of his family, the older wolf seemed to perk up, as though it was a beloved topic of his. It had caught Strel unawares, who had forgotten that there were people out there that loved their kin. A slightly bitter feeling washed over him briefly alongside envy. It seemed that Rurik had a family to run to, worst comes to worst. Ears fell lower as the redhead shook his head. "No, I have not seen them. I'm sorry. I haven't been here that long, and I'm not sure who's who in the other nearby packs. Sighing, he fingered the top of the bottle, stopped up as it was. The glass was cool under his fingers, as the air around him was cool.

"Is this stuff any good?" he asked, lifting up the bottle slightly and hearing the liquid gently swish inside of it. "Think it'll make my King happy?"


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