can't help me now; it doesn't count.

indent Anya was the earth’s child. She had not had to see the terrible things that a father could do. Even now, Ahren could blame his father and revel in his hatred for the man. It didn’t change anything; Damian was long dead and gone. Those scars, the fact he could no longer see blue, those things he had to hold onto. They wouldn’t go away. It was wrong for him to have wanted to try and help Aiji; it was wrong for him to care. It was wrong for him to stop caring when she had pushed away. That was his nature, though, and could he really be blamed for that? Yes, a voice that he no longer recognized offered quietly.
indent “No,” he said, volume and tone remaining smooth. He would offer her no ground until she showed him that was what she wanted. He considered telling her and asking her a thousand things, but none would do yet. “This is your home. You have more right to be here then I do.” That was not a lie. Ahren didn’t consider Clouded Tears his home—that place, he had burnt it down not all too long ago. Chimera was gone. Why here? For the only person he considered his friend? You fucked him, a cruel voice reminded. What does that make you? His eyes turned dark and went hazy as he stepped away from himself, if only for the moment.


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