some things stay the [sam]e; but i've changed

            The rain pelted against his coat, matting his thick, dark fur and slicking it against his sleek form. Again, his weight was fluctuating—going from lean, ragged muscle to a skeleton with flesh stretched tight across the bone. He’d been watching the shadows, listening to their voices as they spoke of the world beyond and horrors most could only imagine. Claws dragged through his coat, brushing against his flesh and calling forth his blood. They demanded his flesh, and his bones broken and splintered. They longed to tear out his eyes, pushing them from their sockets and the removal of each and every one of his fingernails. They cried for this and more, whispering and chanting until Samael no longer knew space or time. Blood-red vision clouded and dark, he crept from the darkness of the den, watching the puppy as it raced to seek shelter from the rain.

            Jaws parting and fangs baring, he slunk across the rain-soaked earth, moving to the entrance of the den. Vision gleaming, head low and ears forward, he wordlessly watched the child. Muzzle wrinkling, disgust ran rampant through his thoughts as silence adorned his lips. Children were useless—granted, they provided the future for the species, but not much more. Dependant, like parasites, they latched onto their hosts' bodies until their bellies were full and content, sleeping away the rest of their miserable existence. He snorted softly, breath visible in the cool winter air. He wouldn’t devour this child though as long as he remained under Inferni’s protection.

table by alli

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