M - Who would ever want to hurt you?
http://sleepyglow.net/souls/gifts/sam2.jpg); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:322px; padding-left:25px; padding-right:25px; padding-bottom:10px;">

      Insanity ran rampant through the Prince of Fear’s blood. His mother was a sinner and a murderer, and his father was a self-proclaimed demon crawled up from the depths of hell. He’d held hope in the continuation of beauty, looking on to Halo as a perfect specimen of Lykoi blood, yet here she couldn’t even stand to see a wolf killed before her very eyes. Samael had been trained to kill wolves for as long as he could remember, since he’d learned to walk rather than stumble across the the sand outside of his mother’s secluded den, hidden away from the prying eyes of Inferni. So many Lykois were disappointments, desiring to coincide with wolves rather than exterminate them, and Samael saw that Halo was easily following that path without even realizing it. Her father had been the same—he’d betrayed Inferni and his family for the sake of a strange wolf that’d come charging into their territory stirring up trouble. They’d done nothing more than behave fully within their right, setting fangs into the trespasser to destroy him as punishment until Vitium had gotten in the way and suffered the consequences.

      Fear drove through her veins like poison now, permeating the air around her body and mingling with the heavy stench of blood already soaked into his senses. He readily inhaled, tasting the air on his tongue as his jaws moved closer to her throat, admiring the steady rise and fall where her quickening heartbeat showed. She fought, thrashing against the ground before finally falling still and accepting her fate. Her voice pleaded almost silently, true horror shining in her blood-red eyes. But she was such a disappointment, she didn’t deserve to live. He would have cared for her so tenderly, protecting her as she grew into a true monster, yet here she was so weak and pathetic. He would have treated her like his very own daughter—the daughter he never had, yet would have been pleased to accept. But she’d chosen a wolf over him, and now that wolf was dead. Fangs baring, he forcefully shoved her legs apart, moving in between them as he held her down with his weight. She was still now, but fright could rise up again, invoking terror and protest against his actions.

      But she wanted sex, and so he’d give it to her just as she so desired. He was a far worthier candidate than some fucking worthless wolf that had died so easily in his hands as though he’d never truly wanted to live in the first place. Already, the monster was aroused. Death did that to him, and Halo would create a far more delicious release than the mangled corpse of the grayscale canine. Hands travelling down her form, caressing her curves with a hungry, insatiable air, they moved between her thighs, jaws and nails ready to strike should she show any signs of trying to fight him off. She was still a virgin, yet untouched and yet untainted. He would be the first, breaking into her body and cracking the mental barriers placed against him. Fingers moved, gliding along the silky folds of her body as his other hand pressed against her belly, ensuring she didn’t try to move away from him. In some twisted way, he almost wanted her to enjoy it as much as he would—rape was a tool to the monster, shattering the soul and destroying the being.

      In some inconceivable way he still—almost, anyway—wanted Halo to become a beautiful and hellish demoness, even if he was on the verge of murdering her. Her body was lovely, and it would be a shame to waste such perfection. Muzzle moving between her legs, pink tongue extending to take her taste into his mouth, teasing with the faintest of touches, he seemed to be giving her another chance, testing her reaction to gauge what he’d do next—whether or not he’d simply tear her soul apart so effortlessly and leave her abandon as the worthless trash she was behaving as, or take her back into his arms and adore her. Crimson eyes ever watchful, he became more forceful, pressing his tongue into her body and running it slowly across her flesh.

table by sie!

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