or buried beneath the stones
Pendzez was one to have many opinions about subjects differing from the afterlife. When it came to the fates of every living thing on this earth, he can not give any reasons, since he doesn't not control nor predicts fate. He's merely a guide and a king of spirits. The white wolf could tell that Jefferson was waiting for something from the arctic wolf, possible something he could make an arguement with. However, Pendzez didn not say anything, yet, that will get Jefferson speaking about it.

Pendzez listened to his leader as he spoke about the spirits, whether they want him dead or those who want him alive. "Spirits don't try and damn the living. In the afterlife, they do what they can to help nature grow. When they have done good enough work or when they think they're ready, they can be reborn into a new body." It was like a lecture, however Pendzez didn't want Jefferson to think he was being challenge by someone who was younger than him.

Pendzez looked at a tombstone that was infront of him. "My sister is alive. She lives in the Crimson Dreams pack now. As long as I know she is safe." Pendzez smiled at the thought that she was gonna be alright, meeting new friedns in that pack, particularly the leaders as well. One's world cannot live without friends.

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