So why do you feel like home
Pendzez went along the border, taking his turn in border patrol. He was so happy, since his beloved mate was due to have pups soon. He was gonna be father, something far greater than any rank that he had or he achieved. He was unsure of the whole thing, but he knew that wih the spirits help, he would know the true way of fatherhood. He promised that he would love Xeris and protect her and his children.

Coming along, he heard a howl on the wind, that was a calling for someone in the pack, or at least someone who was here. Clutching his masamune, he approached the source of the howl, finding that it was from a young wolf, with a brownish goldy copper pelt. Finding no threat, Pendzez still remained cautious while walking up the young male. "Good day, young sir. What brings you to Phoenix Valley today?" he asked.

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