people just liked it better that way
I suck, sorry.
    The reaction to his perception of Samael made a wiry and almost forced smile break Gabriel’s face. His eyes, however, hardened almost instantly—turning vicious. What Razekiel meant, of course, was lost on Gabriel. He had only known Samael’s wickedness, and did not believe that he would see the same from his intoxicated half-brother. Still, he took that knowledge in and clung to it. If he saw any danger, he would make sure to crush it ultimately.
    Two devils, though equally obedient, was still more then enough. Razekiel didn’t look like that to Gabriel, though. He was child-like, in love with the world. It was enough to amuse Gabriel, and the smile on his face slowly turned genuine. “Ahemait lives with Stygian and her children somewhere north. They started up their own clan. I haven’t seen much of anyone else.” They had come, but they were gone now. It was a pattern.
table by alli


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