M - Who would ever want to hurt you?
http://sleepyglow.net/souls/gifts/sam2.jpg); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:322px; padding-left:25px; padding-right:25px; padding-bottom:10px;">

      Depending on her reaction to his touch, Halo herself would be the one deciding her own fate without even knowingly realizing it. If she accepted him and showed contrite for her foolishness he wouldn’t kill her, but if she tried to fight him off he’d simply take what he wanted before tearing out her throat. Her body was tense, rejecting him and his actions, but she didn’t struggle—tears streaming down her face from eyes that remained wide open as she attempted to hold up a permanent mental barrier between the contact of their two bodies. Yet her involuntary gasp gave her away, briefly rising on the crisp air and contradicting her apparent misery, showing that she felt some form of pleasure even if her mind refused to accept it. This enticed him onward, roughly caressing with his tongue as he explored the silk and warmth of her body. While the thought briefly entered his head of simply sinking his fangs right in and truly devouring her flesh as he’d done with Charon, he refrained, intent on presenting the girl with one last chance at retribution.

      Their blood held perfection, holding onto a line imbued with beautiful madness and the singular heritage of originating from Kaena’s womb, and he didn’t particularly savor the thought of destroying yet another link to that chain. But the weakest links must severed and destroyed before they infect the entire bloodline, splitting them down the middle and deviating from the inherit goal of wreaking havoc and death onto the lesser, inferior species of filthy wolves. Any other creature he would have long murdered already, but the crimson star branded onto the girl’s breast held him back, standing out against the cinnamon fur and granting uncharacteristic mercy onto her soul. She was tainted, truly, by a heavy amount of lupine blood, but the de le Poer that’d contributed to her existence had lived within Inferni, possessing the “soul” of a coyote within his pathetic form. He had been pardoned for his heritage by his actions, becoming lover to Kaena and fathering a brood of wolfish children. She herself had abandoned her wolf ancestor’s name, taking the title of Lykoi and rejecting the wolf within her—or so he’d first thought.

      Samael could taste arousal on Halo’s flesh, for even as her mind screamed for him to stop her body would give in to his touch. He did not have to be cruel—the Prince of Fear could be kind and gentle to those worthy of his affection, and he’d once begun to believe Halo worthy of joining the miniscule fraction of canines he didn’t wish to destroy, nor would turn on until they betrayed him first. Even now, despite her asinine adoration for the deceased lupine he had yet to smear her entrails across the pavement. Fingers drove into her flesh, breaking the one last reminder of innocence and youth, knowing she would feel pain before pleasure even as he did so. Yet if any blood was shed it was lost in the crimson already staining his coat, drying into the darkened fur and lingering with a thick, coppery odor. His tongue had only briefly paused, moving back to press against her sensitive skin and continue where he left off, caressing where he knew she’d feel it the most.

      Fingers pushed into the depths of her body, reveling in the warmth and wetness within as they slowly moved toward her core, retreated almost completely outside of her form before repeating once again, thrusting back in as far as they could go. He wanted her to find absolute oblivion at his hands, savoring the power he held over her body and mind as he gave her what she’d always seemed to be asking for with the males she’d teased and tested without any intention of satisfying.

table by sie!

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