Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand
[html] ... wehave.png); background-color:#ff9333; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">

Table code and image © to Alaine
OOC: No problem! Thanks for letting me join :3

She took another few steps forward, hesitant still, emerald eyes keen on the shape of the man. In retaliation he lowered his fists and his eyes, began to pluck at the threadbare strips of material over her hands. Now that she was closer, Alaine could note details of the stranger - His course fur, his scent, various things that were held by the individual. But, most of all, she saw his scars - Long, angry lashes all over his torso, running like jagged lightning against the soft browns of his fur.

She swallowed nervously.

But, to her question, the man seemed to change - His expression became guardedly concerned, those honey eyes opening rather than simply observing. She straightened, mind comprehending the look of knowledge in his gaze with confused shock.

" You... You know her? How do you know her?"

She did not mean to evade the question with another question, but the mothering surge of protection had began to rise, stealing aware her meekness as it grew. How did he know Sylvie? Why had she not been told of the young girl's antics... Who else had she been meeting without Alaine nearby? Aware that she had sounded rather crude, the young beauty shook her head slightly, and extended a slightly shivering hand for him to shake.

" I apologize. I am Alaine, Alaine Winters. Yes, she is... Missing."

Speak think walk


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