Dark places, what a simple web we weave
:3 Sorry it took so long!

WC: 272


She tried out the race of creatures that created these tomes of knowledge with intrigue. Whatever a human was, it certainly sounded exotic. The pup offered a gleaming smile as Heath continued on his little tangent, explaining something about "pages" and "words". These were lost on deaf ears as the young lilac and white pondered learning from something not canine. Would it be great fun? Would it be terrible tediousness? Would it be of any use at all? Thrilled at the prospect of something new, little white maw and sweet face scrunched up in a joyful union, displaying the slowly developing heart-like marking on her forehead with better clarity.


And once more, the Stablemaster proved to be void of any information the pup was interested in. Surely there was more to being Stablemaster than just watching the horses all day? Books popped back into the topic again, and the young collie couldn't help but cock her head at the coy-dog above her, curiosity brimming in her expression.

"Sit-ee. What is a Sit-ee? And... do you have a bo-ook I could look at? I can't re-eed it yet, but I would like to at least see what you keep talking about. Maybe then I could understand you better. Do you think we could go to the Sit-ee together to get more bo-ooks? What does a Sit-ee look like?"

And once again, the questions poured forth from the young girl's maw like a waterfall, covering everything and anything of intrigue. And, like an eccentric sponge, she would absorb any information that came her way with dignity and a wonderful sense of learning.

Speak. Think. Walk.


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