So why do you feel like home

I don't understand how I managed to forget about this thread yesterday D: Sorry for the little wait!

A pleasant and polite smile graced the young male’s maw as the Phoenix Valley member introduced himself. It was a peculiar name and it sharpened the Dahlian’s interest. Strange, foreign names indicated strange and foreign wolves, after all. Rurik Russo had come all the way from the other side of the world, a world that clearly was so much bigger than he first had though. The inspiration for many names claimed by wolves in these lands came from other places, and now Conor wondered about Pendzez’s roots.

The news of Lysander’s disappearance was received with mixed emotion. There were so many joiners and a similar amount of leavers, so he was not taken much by surprise by learning that his former guardian was another number in the latter category. A shame, but that was how it was. ”I’m sorry to hear, but I suppose it is alright.” the boy said neatly. ”I did not know him that well anyway,” he decided to add.

The golden Dahlian de Mai member did not want silence to cling to them and push the meeting to end too soon. He quite enjoyed getting new acquaintances and his interest had already been triggered by the Nunicio’s name. ”I find your name quite unique, Pendzez. Are you originally from these lands?”


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