a fever coming on.
http://sleepyglow.net/souls/gifts/snake.jpg); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:130px; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; padding-bottom:10px;">

It wouldn’t be hard thing, getting to know Snake. There wasn’t much to know, and he did not keep many secrets. One simply had to ask and he would tell. But he was always somewhat afraid that, if someone came to know the full extent of his mental condition and how alien his ways of thinking were to that of other canids, they might revile him and spread negative things about him. He did not think Kaena—or anyone he had met so far—would do this. But, of course, he had thought his mother would accept him just as well. She had just railed at the sky, asking why she couldn’t manage to have a kid that was normal.

He nodded towards her offhanded comment at his greater of fears, happy that it had been shrugged off so simply. It was irrational and fatuous, he knew, but he couldn’t shake it. The thought of remaining one more night underground or in concrete made him feel as though it would be his tomb. The memories of his prison in New Haven were too prevalent to simply ignore. That was the reason why he loved his car-den so much. It was largely open to the air without allowing in (most of) the elements. The Centurion seemed interested enough in his impromptu den, though, and he looked away in something that looked like embarrassment. At his mention of it being quite a good place to catch some solitude, she further expressed admiration for it, and he flicked an ear. “Thank you,” he ended up murmuring, though it took him a moment to realize what he was thanking her for. Perhaps he took it as a compliment. It had taken days of work to get the holes in the metal filled, and the rust scraped from the shell. The fact that it stood up to the elements now was a testament to Snake’s ingenuity.

The aging woman showed a different side of herself, Snake thought he perceived, when she spoke of the ocean. It actually reminded him of Daisuke—his lupine friend was absolutely obsessed with the vast expanse of water. Snake didn’t really get it, but he definitely thought it was something. “It is amazing,” he commented softly, his mind briefly wondering what it would be like to cross the ocean. He shied from the thought of something so massive. While looking out across the ocean, though, he could see the rest of Inferni on the other side of the bay. Something was catching his eye—a white cloud, but differently colored from the uniform gray that it rested upon. “What’s that?” he asked, pointing. “That cloud. It is the wrong color. It seems too… close to the ground.” His olive eyes, usually flat, seemed to shine slightly with curiosity, which piqued itself so rarely nowadays. He was wondering what it could be. He thought it looked kind of like steam, but where would steam be coming from? The last time he checked, Inferni was no volcano.

table credit goes to sie

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