freedom has a scent
ooc: oh damn, I was hoping I could appear before the babies showed up.

The smell of familiar marks placed around the Phoenix Valley boarders indicated to Ty that he had made it back inside the territory. With this knowledge, Ty's mouth curled up to a slight smile, although Ty had been enjoying his small ventures out into other territories, it was nice to get back home. Nevertheless, Ty had been venturing out more and more lately, and he'd been staying outside of the Valley's boarders for longer periods of time. Perhaps Ty was getting restless again, or maybe he just wanted to explore the area more, he didn't exactly know himself, but it was enlightening him as of late. He had begun learning from other wolves how to do things, cooking, making bows, and even fighting better, eventually he felt he could use these skills to help the pack, at least, when he learns these skills fully.

However, his peaceful return was interrupted by a scream, to which Ty's head and ears perked up and his upright body stood at attention. As usual, he didn't think he had time to act, so his inner heroism kicked in. He didn't think about what he was running into, all he knew is that someone was in trouble and he was going to help as best as he could. What could it be though? Was a puma or grizzly on the loose in the Valley? Had someone from inferni, or a rogue wolf come into the territory to wreak havoc? Ty ran through the trees as quick as he could towards the scream, which lead him to the house of Pendzez and Xeris. Now Ty was leaning much more towards the rogue wolf that slipped into the house on a murderous rampage. He felt he had to act now, if Xeris was getting hurt, and he ran through the already opened door, but it was strange, the door didn't look forced open, did she let the person in?

All of Ty's questions were answered when he rounded a corner to see the event, and Ty's expression instantly changed from determined to surprised. There in front of him was the scene of Pendzez kneeling down near Xeris, who was pregnant at the time. Although now, amongst the screams and placenta, Xeris was giving birth to the pups she had been keeping within her belly. Ty immediately turned on his heel and averted his eyes from the view "Oh, oh crap! Oh man, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...wait, is there a healer here? Like angel, perhaps?" He turned his head slightly out of confusion to ask, but still wasn't looking. "Are...are you two delivering the young by yourselves?"

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