a guilty mind needs to confess
    Gabriel knew so little about his siblings—Corona had spoken to him at length, and they had shared the terrible fate of watching their father go mad. Even though Ahren and Gabriel had never been particularly close (for more then half of his life, Gabriel had resented the man), they had come to an understanding. His father alone knew the truth about the fire over the mountain. His father had understood because fire was part of their blood. Now, more than ever, Gabriel believed him.
    “Mm,” he grunted, and turned back to his paper. There was nothing further for him to ask—he could accuse her and lash out in one fell swoop, chase her away and treat her as he wished to do with all those who had abandoned him. Still, he had no reason to encourage her beyond that. No part of him would let go of that lingering doubt.

table by alli


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