These ordinary sins
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? :o
The young hybrid’s eyelids fluttered lightly as Kaena’s hand brushed her cheek faintly. It was a welcome gesture – yet the girl barely managed to hold back a shiver of discomfort. But this was Kaena and she was the world. Of course she should find gratification in her touch. Ears shifted slightly to rest against her coppery fur in a submissive manner now, not frightened. She pushed gently against the older woman’s soft fingers, but the touch disappeared too quickly. Eyes held on to their clasped hands and found comfort in the limited contact. Kaena’s soft voice made her oversized ears flitch slightly, but the girl’s pose kept on begging – pleading whatever was wrong. She would never willingly do anything to lose her grandmother’s favour, but what was it then? The girl wanted to press herself against Kaena like a feline manner, wanted to hold her tight and openly show her intense devotion and love. Instead, the coppery girl kept still, staring sorrowfully at their connected hands.

To be reassured that she was nowhere near the root of Kaena’s altered behaviour brought the young Lykoi little joy. If Kaena was miserable, then Halo too would be. To willingly take on that extra burden was a foolish thing, but it could not be helped. Horror tickled her spine and she shuddered lightly as her mind browsed possible causes for the Matriarch’s changed behaviour. ”What’s wrong then?” the girl pleaded, voice rising slightly as worry started to get a proper grip of her. Perhaps Halo could help – she’d do anything for the woman that had cared for her when no one else had. Halo’s remaining hand clasped the connected hands as she leaned closer. She wanted to crawl and beg; Beg for Kaena could not reject her plea to help. "You know you can trust me with anything." This was something Kaena should know already.


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