color my world
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OOC: ©table code and image to jacoby: I fail.
Word count: 398. Worth 2 points

Hanna just couldn't wipe the grin off her face. The pregnancy had gone well, the birthing had gone smoothly, and the little pup that was nestled in the deerskin sling over Hanna's shoulder was a dream to care for, sleeping well and often between feedings. The medic had stayed close to home for a week, but she was thinking now of visiting some family and friends, both those who had known she was pregnant and those who had not. Perhaps especially those who had not. She knew they would all be as pleased as she was, if a little curious as to who the father was and a little worried at the incongruous behavior that had led to Desiree's arrival.

Hanna was dressed against the cold as much as her daughter was, wearing her dress clothes. The blouse was loose enough to facilitate nursing and the pants were rather warm with the legs rolled down where they were supposed to be. The white and khaki clothing looked good on her, too, which was a plus in her opinion. After all, what better way to present her princess to the world than dressed her best?

Something that Hanna did think about while she was going was Revian's proposal. She had not given him an answer; she was not entirely sure whether she wanted a mate or not. It had always been her dream, to have a good mate, a passel of kids, and an altogether good life, but now that she had Désirée, everything else paled in comparison. Her brow furrowed. What kind of guy proposed just after learning that the object of his affection had her baby? Well, maybe he genuinely cared. She would have to see, then let him know.

As Hanna neared the fence, Cian by her side and completely visible, a figure caught her attention. It was a girl, leaning on the fence staring in at the territory. Hanna quickly replaced the frown with a bright and welcoming smile, eager to please if the young lady were a joiner. She stepped up to the fence, hoping the tiger would not alarm her, and spoke. "Hi, there. Can I help you?" She noted a familiar scent; it was the same as the borders she had unwillingly violated at Crimson Dreams, and like Maldrid, who had entertained her there instead of getting upset with her.

Speak, think, act


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