When it rains
Table © James
OOC: Muahahaha This s what you get for avoiding!

He was out at the borders again, first for duty, and second for his traps. Yeah, he had the traps set just about everywhere, though more so in the wooded areas in the pathway of the woodland creatures. Five out of ten of his traps were tripped, but had nothing in them, 3 of them were successful, and two of them were destroyed. He only got three rabbits out of the whole ordeal, and he was quick to rewire the 8 of them back up for the next meal he needed.The male would come out here and check twice a day, any more and someone would catch onto what he had been doing.The only one whom knew that he knew this method of hunting was Kaena, and maybe Gabriel if Kae had talked to her son about him. Cotl was getting tired of the ridiculous amount of rain, and he was tired of having to rewire these traps almost completely because of the rain and wind that kept on blowing them all over the place.

By the time he was finished, he was ready to go back to the mansion to skin the rabbit and cook and eat it. He remounted his horse and gave a small sigh before he tapped his horse's side with his heel, and whipped the reigns. He even gave a "he-yah" to encourage the horse to bolt off. This was what the horse did, and they went into the direction of the mansion. The horse's hooves steadily thumped against the ground as the two seemed to fly over the terra. It was almost amazing that these horses were able to reach such a high speed. Cotl had come to enjoy the rides he took with his stallion. They were relaxing. Very relaxing.

Only minutes later the horse was slowing up because they had arrived at their destination. Cotl thought about going right back out, but decided it was too shitty outside to go to Halifax and look for blankets and matches and stuff. He sighed once again as he dismounted his horse, and pulled it into the large shed (that he had turned into a stable for his horse) and then ran out of the shed, into the rain, and then into the house. He entered the mansion, and instantly noticed the smell of the feo. She was active now. He was curious of her, since they had yet to see each other. Cotl had already found out her name, Halo Lykoi, from her grandmother- Kaena Lykoi. His eyes scanned the room before he noticed the sound of doors opening and closing. She better not go into his room. His shackles raised his soaked fur as he thought about his personal space being invaded. He then shook his pelt from the water that had collected on it before he started to look around. He peered into a hallway on the bottom floor, and there she was, looking into a room.
"You must be -SCHIESS- Halo Lykoi. My name's Cotl Ulrich" his accented voice lifted into the air, he did not dare to venture close, for he immediately saw the two swords that she had resting on her back.



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