When it rains
Table © James
OOC: ---

Hey. It’s you that recently moved in here, correct? there was no contempt in her voice that he could recognize, so he did not bother to become anti-social, or angry. As long as she was calm, he too would be calm. The male twitched his audit and then nodded his head. "Ja." he spoke, his throat then proceeding to clear itself, but not without a loud sound emerging from the depths of the canine. Sorry if I was noisy – I haven’t practiced with my swords today, so my body is restless. she then went on to apologize to him. His pierced brow cocked at the feo. "Proceed to make -MOTHERFUCKER- noise, this place is too quiet anyways." the male dismissed the apology with a wave of his hand, telling her that he really didn't mind. He did however catch the glace down to his kill. He didn't let her think that he knew, but he did, and he decided that he might as well be the gentleman and offer. "Hey, Look. I got these rabbits, and I was going to -FUCK-prepare them anyways. Would you join me for breakfast?" he might as well be nice. After all, the two lived in the same proximity. Plus, it was a pack mate, as well as the fact that (by the looks of her tattoo) she could be the next one showing up at his door with something to offer in trade for a tattoo, or piercing. A customer is a customer, and he needed to at least try to put up with assholes.(though she was pleasant so far)

The male let his gaze fall on her. She seemed to be a coyote, but she also had very small features of a wolf. He then thought about her family. Kaena was hybrid. He could tell, but this one, she could be more coyote than wolf. His eyes traced her tattoo that was the same as her grandmother's. The tattoo was simple, like a brand. Cotl didn't know if he could deal with being branded. It might have been a loyalty thing. Or maybe it just felt like he would be owned by her if he had the same tattoo as everyone else. He shrugged his shoulders lightly, though it seemed more as a twitch. "Kaena did an awesome job on your star. It's looking good. -DOUCHEBAG-You've also been taking good care of it." he commented, just noticing that her tattoo was rather new, and the area was clean. He then looked at his own newest addition by the same artist as her own tattoo. He then pointed at it. "She did this piece-FUCKING PENGUINS- of art too. "



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