And I'll see you around...[aw]
Angel heard Tys howl and replied to it with her own and sending it out that anyone was welcome to join her. Upon remaining silenced another femme joined with Ty as she could smell and soon Angel made her way around to greet them. "There is an older on the opposite side with a limp. I rather not take out the younger for they will continue the numbers, but I thought perhaps that would be our easiest shot." Angel spoke as she kept her focus on the elk before them. Angels resolve and focus soared through the roof as she focused on what lied before her and not the future issues that lied before her. Angel waited to see if others would arrive and then allowed the elk to calm down quietly to make their hunt that much easier. She watched the brown femme creep closer and Angel hoped that the herd would not be spooked, but if they were those that wished to join would just have to hop in it seemed.

Then the inevitable happened. The young elk child let out a shriek and caused the others to run. Dashing off in her halfling form Angel made her way to the older one in hopes the others would follow. Dirt was flung out behind her as she curved her way to the older elk who was on the other side of the herd. She leaned her body to the right so she could make the turn without having to trip and fall and soon enough she was on the elks heels snapping at her feet to separate her from the rest. The old elk cow with a limp attempted to kick out and Angel just ducked and was missed by merely inches but it made her back off some until the others could catch up to her and aim where they needed to. Angel kept her pace at a sustainable one and made sure she did not hook back up with the rest of the herd.

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