the devils of truth steal the souls of the free
    For as still as she remained, Gabriel could sense the tension in her body—it rose through her voice and reverberated against the stone walls. Suddenly, viciously, he hated the tone in her voice. “Stop it,” he hissed. The coy-wolf’s upper lip pulled up, revealing his off-white teeth. That sound reminded him of the orange wolf, but it had been different then. Something had been different. A need for blood, and for that gratifying scream; he had needed that then, but now he wanted something else.
    “I don’t care if you are a slave or not, look at me when I talk to you.” He could not stand to see someone grovel. In Gabriel’s world, all creatures were equal—even the devil he sought to destroy. The only thing that Gabriel saw as greater was God, but few beasts knew of His Truth. For this reason alone, Gabriel stood on separate ground. He had been chosen. Gabriel knew that God’s children had once been slaves, and refused to see this practice furthered.

table by alli


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