the devils of truth steal the souls of the free
    She was not a Lykoi. Kaena was not her mother. Still, this little fact passed by him like a darting bird. What he focused on instead was her body language (because he could not read her face). His presence upset her, this much he knew. Slowly, it dawned on him that he must have looked a fright—all teeth and fur and vicious words. Vieira had done nothing wrong. It was his mother who was at fault. Letting out a long breath, Gabriel tilted his head slightly, refocusing on the fur between her ears.
    The snap had left his voice, and it had dropped, now a soft rumble as it often was. “It bother you to look me in the face?” Something had to. He doubted it was the scars—Kaena had enough for him, herself, and all thirteen or so of the children she had popped out into the world. There would be no use in shaking information out of this girl. Tactically, and thinking in that very militaristic way he always did, Gabriel opted for a different approach.
table by alli


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