sunshine, call on me

god, sorry. finals completely completely ate the first half of my week. x_x

#$%@Although he had no real reason to think she would be turned away, he was no less delighted by the Aquila's confirmation. His tail flopped behind him and he offered her a friendly "welcome to the clan" nudge with his snout before his jaws parted in a pleased canine smile. He dipped his head in silent thanks to his cousin, tongue lolling out to one side in pure delight, though he managed to collect himself by the time Gabriel began to speak. His head tipped to one side now, though just slightly--he'd done a good bit of staring when he'd met her himself, though he couldn't help but shift just an inch closer to her as his friend looked her up and down.

#$%@Vaguely he wondered if he might finally get an answer regarding her exotic heritage--after all, the leader's words seemed like a polite way to prompt such a discussion. She was clearly neither wolf nor coyote--she was terribly unlike a fox or a dingo. Though he knew (formerly) domestic dogs to come in all shapes and sizes, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something feral and wild in her appearance... plus the ears were completely unique. And so, he continued to project a comfortable and happy presence, though he remained silent as nothing had been addressed to him specifically and he felt no need to interject.

table by Amber <3

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