When it rains
look at these people, amazing how sheep will show up for the slaughter

Sure the word came after her audits fell against her head and her eyes slitted at him. He could feel the crimson orbs of her digging into his flesh. If he did not have the icy gaze that he had, he would say that her eyes were probably on more of the chilling side. As far as he knew though, was that his own gaze was enough to send the chills down anyone's pretty little spine. He might have been small, yes, but by no means was he weak, or easily taken advantage of. He figured he put up more of a fight than a normal coyote would have, just because he could completely lash out without much of a problem. He didn't rally even need a weapon either, for since he was tiny, all they really did for him was slow him down. Though, the male did own a horse, so he wouldn't be slowed down by a sword. It'd still have to be a light weight weapon, preferably one handed. The male nodded his head lightly, and then his neck twitched his head to the side before he made a sound with his mouth and returned his gaze to her.

That’s a skull, not fucking penguins.. It looks nice though the feo spoke to him. He knew it wasn't penguins fucking, I mean, it didn't even look like that. He shook his head. What’s your problem? her eyes returned to his, a glare still on her face. His won audits flipped back lightly at the realization that she was glaring at him. (he hadn't really cared before just now when she returned her glare to him again)
"I don't have a problem.-BULLSHIT!- It's the way I talk." he immediately knew that his condition was the reason she had asked the stupid question.
"It just happens. -FUCKING COCK FACE!-" the male added on, German accented voice ringing in the air, the tone being slightly more irritated than a few moments before. His body then turned away from her, and he motioned for her to follow. He lead the way to the kitchen, knowing there would be a small stove in there (yeah, he knew how to use a stove). His strides were quick, and his gait was proud, sexy.

The male entered the kitchen moments later, and placed the rabbits on the counter before he searched the drawers for a knife (which he found after opening five different drawers) and once he found one that was not rusty, he took it up in his hand and went back to the three rabbits. He then started to skin them.
" So Halo, you know how to do anything else besides -SHIT FACED BASTARD- swing your sword around?" he asked as he looked down at his work, but expected her to be there and to answer his question.


ooc: "slipping" iii---Table © Miyu <333;;It totally is Christmas time*dances*


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