the ocean breathes salty

Perhaps one of the good things about Ari was that he wasn't very complicated when it came to his emotions. When he was sad, he was sad. When he was happy, he was happy. When he was angry, he was angry. There was usually no gray area between them, and all were very easy to identify. His simplistic nature seemed to end at his emotions, however — the mind and heart working behind them as anything but simple. Perhaps he might have been much more open and upbeat if he hadn't grown up in a place where there were no friends to be had and laughter was a raucous sound that would get you yelled at.

He gave another fleeting smile at the idea of the other passing through Veneficus on a ship, and although it was highly unlikely, it was nice to know that the ships actually had inhabitants. At one point in time, Ari had been somewhat convinced that they were empty besides the people who ran them. That was more true than he thought, as the ships had been more cargo ships than passenger ones, but nevertheless.

It wasn't until Ari brought the weather to his attention did the stranger really notice, and Ari had to think it was somewhat comical. He didn't even seem to notice the raindrops falling on his head. Nice to meet you, Beppe, he responded automatically, beginning to take a few more steps toward the forest that fringed the coastline. D'you think we could get out of the rain in the forest? he asked, peering into the depths. It was getting darker and darker by the second, with all the rainclouds. Ari was beginning to feel much more uneasy.


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