turning us into monsters.
Yay! (340)

http://i42.tinypic.com/2dif428.png); background-position: center top; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 500px; background-color: #000;">
They would go east. There were no packs there as far as Hybrid was aware, and if there were any wolves attempting to establish one, he and Kaena could take a bite out of their membership. Hybrid did not think they would be so lucky, but perhaps it was a good thing. He did not want to go starting a war with their neighbour. That would be foolish (and who would do such a thing?) He chortled quietly to himself at the thought. Who – aside from his mother – would do such a thing?

He shook his head and continued onward. They would find their sacrifice and display his death for all to see. They would find someone whose life would serve a greater purpose and whose greatest accomplishment was their death. They would place the head upon a pike and it would serve as yet another reminder. The blood and the symbolism would reek with the wrath of Inferni.

Hybrid heard Kaena murmur a contemplative question, to which Hybrid did not reply. If they were lucky, they would bring down the entire pack and one day, place Haku's head upon a spike. He would murder the black warrior female whom he had fought, as well as the woman who had attacked his mother. Asphyxia had deserved it for instigating the whole mess, but it did not mean Hybrid could not use something like blood ties to legitimize his kill. It would be nice to make the woman feel terror again. He was certain Asphyxia had been able to do that, useless as she was.

They looped around slowly, making their way north, skirting around the borders and moving into the rocky terrain of Halcyon Mountain. They continued deeper into the mountainous territory, which was far more lush and rich with vegetation than Inferni's territory. They were approaching a small drop in the rock face, which allowed them to overlook into a small clearing. Hybrid jerked his head toward the lone wolf meandering through the clearing. They had found their prey.


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