Step, step right over the line

The girl became bashful at the others compliment. It wasn’t every day that Anu met some one so exciting, and she couldn’t wait to tell her brothers the story. Even as she hid beneath the low branches of the tree Anu thought about how this tale would be told. She would not stretch the truth, being honest as always. But it would be hard to convince anyone of the monsters and heroines that met this day. Distracted by her thoughts she almost forgot to count! The sandy colored girl figured that it had been the right number of seconds, and as she exited her hiding place she could hear her comrade in the distance.

The young wolf bounded outward, tail in the air as high as any war banner. The stick in her mouth was whipped side to side as she brought the enemy ranks to their knees. Destruction surrounded her, but it was she who created it. The world became nothing but a fog of white; a world void was color. Deep rumbling growls rattled her ribcage and Anu ignored their cold weapons and propelled her small form towards the dark furred lady-knight. Her sword blurred with swift motions, left to right and up and down. The enemy was everywhere, but so was she. It was horrible, as any could imagine. The small warrior could hardly bare the sight, her eyes squinting against the carnage.

Clumsy paws stepped through the snow, hopping and running as she tried to slay the snowflakes that fell from the gray sky. The pup looked as if she was frolicking, though within her imagination it was very different. But the first snow of winter was not something ugly or demonic as Anu had thought. The flakes road the cold wind lazily, falling lightly to create ankle deep drifts of soft powder. The girl blinked, looking at the other pup, who’s side Anu had finally made it too. The stick in her mouth fell, sinking into the white fluff and Anu looked around. She couldn’t stopped the smile, and licked the snow off her nose and exclaimed,
“Dis tastes good.”

Bubbles of laughter filter through the air, and the silver tinted pup pranced around her new friend. The monsters were gone, chased away. All that was left were the two newfound friends and a winter wonderland.


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