goodbye Horses, i'm flying over you.

lovely table!! slow killi is slow. 300 +

Even though the sun shone brightly somewhere behind a shroud of gently-gray clouds, Kansas sensed the darkness around them. It loomed indecisively, not certain whether it wanted to bring itself upon them or drift away from them, relieving them the threat of its imminent presence. Much like Anu, he sensed the halo of light and hope, too. It was just difficult for a man as young as him to choose which he wanted to believe would come about. Kansas lived in a thousand shades of gray, never sure which things were certain and which were definitely not. Like his mate's happiness. She had been juggled from darkness to light for as long as he'd been with her it seemed, and probably much before, too. Watching it made him hurt.

Kansas watched her, again caught in an in-between stance. Would she lie to him and tell him Savina was alright? Or would she tell the truth? He had his suspicions about the nature of his leader, but not knowing her personally, he could not predict for sure. But he had a hunch, and that came true. Her eyes never strayed from his, and it made him uncomfortable. She'd done him the honor of speaking truthfully. Now she wanted to look into his eyes. It felt wrong. He didn't feel worthy to stare at Anu like this, even though there was a bridge of understanding between the two shades of blue. Where did he venture now? He didn't like getting information about Savina from a third party. But this was much more than gossip. It was necessary. "C-can I do anything?" He couldn't keep the hint of pleading from his voice. Whether or not she would know, he had to ask her. He was at the point of grappling, greedily reaching for anything that would make his mate feel happy again. Not just fleetingly, but truly happy. And if Anu knew of nothing, he'd simply start from square one.

He didn't want to appear to the gray-scale woman to be using her only to wheedle information about Savina. But he had to pass this hurdle, and then he would move on to something else with Miss Anu.


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